Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mitchell Douglas is 2 Months Old!!

Flash back to April 13 before reading this post!

I cannot believe that our little man is 2 months old already. Everyone says time flies when you're having fun, and let me tell you, that is absolutely true! Lots has happened in the past month, and Chad and I have enjoyed every single bit of it!

On March 30, we headed down to Magnolia for Mitchell's first trip to Nanny and Pappy's. It was Uncle J's 30th birthday, and we went down for his surprise party.  I was on top of things and got everything packed and loaded up on Thursday night. Between Kinsley and the twins and Lorelai and Trek, Nanny has absolutely everything a baby could need at her house, but that did not stop me from basically packing Mitchell's entire closet. I'm pretty sure I took everything but his crib....and most of it never made it out of the car!

The following weekend, M made his debut at church for Easter. We planned to head to the early service, so if we missed it, we had the late service to fall back on. We made it to church around 8:15, with 15 minutes to spare! Mitchell was so good and looked absouletly adorable! He stayed awake during the singing and then Bro. Brent put him right to sleep! :) He slept through church and the majority of Sunday school. Here's a picture of our sweet little man in his Easter gear!

M's 2 month shots were no fun. He was in a great mood and did so well with his check-up from his doctor, but as soon as the lady with the shots walked in the room, it was like he knew what was going on, and he lost it. It was that cry where his mouth was open and face beet red, but no noise was coming out.  We managed to get the oral vaccine down by continuously blowing in his face, forcing him to swallow...and then came the fun shots. His legs were going in all different directions, making it hard for her to stick him. He was crying, I was was traumatizing. We made it through though, and M headed home with Nana Twana, and I headed back to work. It broke my heart to leave him, but I knew he was in good hands. Nanny came up and spent the afternoon spoiling him!

Mitchell Douglas, at 2 months old you:

 - weigh 11 pounds, 4.5 ounces and are 23 inches long.
 - are now eating cereal before bed and LOVE it!
 - consistently sleep from 9:30 pm to 4:30 am. Sometimes you even stretch it out to 5! We are so blessed that you sleep through the night at only 2 months old!
 - have the biggest eyes. As Lo used to say, "You have BUG eyes!"
 - are very strong - and I'm not just saying that because I'm a physical therapist! You hold your head up very well and put weight through your legs nicely. And when you get mad, that back bows so much you are basically doing a back bend!
 -  are beginning to smile and recognize Mommy and Daddy.
 - are spoiled rotten! We wouldn't have it any other way though!

Our lives were forever changed when you entered our world 2 months ago. We are blessed beyond measure, and if the joy you have already brought to our lives is any indication of time to come, we are in for a fun ride!

We love you oodles and gobs, Mitchell Douglas!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Back to Work

Last Monday, M was six weeks old, and I headed back to work. Sunday night, I got everything ready for his first day with Nana Twana - I got his clothes out, fixed his bottles, set up everything for his morning bath, and loved on my sweet boy as though I was never going to see him again! I was fighting my own silent battle within, because I was excited to be going back to work. I wasn't in any way excited to leave my little man, but I still felt as though I shouldn't want to go back...I should want to stay home with M. While rocking Mitchell before putting him to bed for the night, I talked to him and God about my torn feelings. We sang, we prayed, and I realized that I shouldn't feel bad.

I've heard many mothers say how blessed they are to be able to stay home full time with their children. I've heard many others say they wished they were blessed enough to stay home. While cuddling with M last Sunday night, I realized just how blessed I am. Many people go through their entire life searching for their calling; praying to find their place in this world. I'm blessed in that I know my calling, and I've found my place at just 26 years old. I have no doubt that God called me to be a mother, but He called me to be a Physical Therapist too.

Chad and I didn't plan on having a child yet, but it's funny how God always seems to have different plans, and He ALWAYS works them out for the best. He blessed me with a first job that doesn't force me to put work above motherhood. I get to go to work early and get off early so I have most of the afternoon and all evening with Mitchell. I don't have to miss out on things simply because I'm a "working Mom." I've been blessed with a wonderful boss, who is also a friend, who has trust me from day one even though this was my first job out of school. Not many new therapists can say that.

I was recently asked why I wanted to work in long term care; why did I want to help "those people" instead of staying home with my son. At the time, I just blew the comment off and actually used my filter! Regardless of age, mental or mobility status or whether they plan on living at our facility or going back to their own home, everyone deserves good quality life. Every patient I treat deserves my very best, and I learn to love each of them in their own special way. There are those whom I have an impact on, those who impact my life...and then there are those few special ones where a mutual respect is developed, and I look forward to walking in the door every morning, knowing they will greet me with a smile and a good morning. Sure, the job is trying, and I don't always get the results I'm hoping for, but it's those star patients - that patient who couldn't walk or talk on day one of therapy but is now walking with my help down the hallway and asking me about my son - who make the job worthwhile. So why do I want to help "those people"? It's because they are no different than you and me. It's because they deserve a therapist that is going to treat them with respect. Because they deserve to live every day to the fullest. Because they often help me more than I help them. Point blank - it's because God called me to help them.

I now realize that I don't have to feel bad for enjoying my job and being a "working Mom".  I get to do what I love from sun up to sun down - I get to love on my patients, and I get to love on my son. I have the best of both worlds, and I thank God for that.

Coming home to this crazy-haired little boy, makes even the most trying days better. Mom and Dad love you Mitchell Douglas!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Mitchell Douglas is One Month Old!

Since Mitchell is 6 weeks old today, we are going to have to backtrack a little for this post. Just pretend today is March 13, 2012!

It's hard to believe a month has already past - it has gone by so very fast! Our first month at home has been very scheduled, and I'm loving it! Feedings, laundry, baths, housework...everything has it's time, and everything always gets done!

Nanny stayed with us M's first week home from the hospital. That wasn't the original plan, but due to the scare he gave us in the NICU,  both Chad and I felt more comfortable having someone here with us. She took 2 weeks off work (one while he was in the NICU and then the week she stayed with us), and Chad and I are very grateful for that. She basically did everything for us that week and allowed us to rest and just get used to the fact that we now had a baby around. After Nanny left, it was all up to us, and I think we've done a pretty good job thus far! :) Other than a doctor visit, a couple trips to the drive-through at McDonald's and a few walks around the neighborhood, we haven't left the house. We are being extremely cautious since it's the middle of flu/RSV season. The last thing M needs is more respiratory problems. We've had lots of visitors who are basically greeted at the door with a bottle of hand sanitizer! Sorry if this has offended anyone...actually, I take that back. I'm not sorry. It's our job to protect our little guy. I'm sure we will be a little less cautious as time passes, but for now, we will continue to handle him with extreme care!

Enough with the small talk! Let's get down to the meat of this post!

Mitchell Douglas, at 1 month old, you:

  • have made a full recovery! PRAISE JESUS!!!!
  • weigh 10.0 pounds. Big boy!
  • eat about 3 and half ounces every 4 hours. You'd eat more if Mommy would let you!
  • still have a head full of hair, but it is no longer dark - it gets redder and redder each day.
  • have a perfect shaped head - the cone is gone!
  • look more and more like your dad every day. Good thing he's cute!
  • have been sleeping in your room in your crib since you were 2 weeks old. Your first week you stayed in your bouncer in Nanny's room so she could keep a close eye on your breathing.
  • are an excellent sleeper. You have slept through the night once, but generally wake up once to eat.
  • are beginning to love your that Mom has figured out what the temp of the water should be. Sorry your first few baths were so cold!
  • burp and toot like a grown man - this "talent" comes from your dad and Uncle J!
  • enjoy doing your exercises every night with Mommy and are getting stronger each day! (Once a physical therapist...always a physical therapist!)
  • are a very content and happy baby!

Everyday, something about him changes. It's so fun to see all these changes, but it's sad to think about how many changes have occurred in just 1 month. I've got to live in the moment and learn to treasure each day. M's first week in this world was not what I expected, but since leaving the NICU, things have been on the up and up! I thank God everyday for placing His healing hands on Mitchell a few weeks ago and blessing our family with such a perfect little boy! We love you oodles and gobs, Mitchell Douglas!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wet Socks, Spilled Milk, and Missing "Bundles"

You ever have days where you are constantly asking yourself, "Why did I just do that?". I've been having those days for about 6 weeks now! Some days are better than others, but I must admit I've done some pretty silly things since M entered our lives almost 6 weeks ago. I'd like to blame it all on him, but I'm not really sure that's the case. Besides, how can you look at this sweet face and blame anything on him?!

It's no fun to simply laugh at myself (and Chad), so let me share with you some of the lessons I've learned since entering "mommy-world"!

  1. Wearing your socks in the shower is not a smart idea. It does not save time and really just makes a big mess.
  2. If you don't put all the pieces in the bottle, you end up with 4 ounces of milk all of you, baby and couch when trying to feed baby.
  3. Trying to sit a 22 pound baby (Trek) on top of an already top-heavy travel system is a disaster in the making. People will stare intently but will offer no support as the stroller begins to flip. Don't worry, disaster was averted thanks to the quick reflexes of Amanda!
  4. Washing your hair with body wash makes for a greasy mess the next morning.
  5. Talking into the receiving end of the baby monitor does NOT work.

We have become very schedule-oriented since M has been home. I have an extremely Type-A personality, so this does not bother me, but Chad is still trying to get the hang of things. In an attempt to become accustomed to this new schedule, his sleep pattern has become say the least. Most of the funny things he does or says happen in the middle of the night. Here are just a couple of the conversations we've had recently.

I wake up and Chad is frantically pulling the covers off the bed. This is the conversation that followed:

Me: Chad, what are you doing?!?
Chad: I'm looking. I'm looking.
Me: Looking for what? It's 2 in the morning.
Chad: I was holding a bundle, and I can't find it.
Me: What kind of bundle?
Chad: A bundle of.....Mitchell!

**Sidenote: M has NEVER slept in our bed with us. He was safe and sound in the nursery in his crib!**

This morning, I was in the kitchen fixing M's bottle. Again, it was around 2 am. As I'm walking back to our bedroom, Chad is in the living room. Guess what he was doing? That's right, searching for something! I asked him if he had lost his "bundle" again. He said no. I just left him in the living room and headed to the bathroom before climbing back in bed. When I walked out of the bathroom, he was in bed already, and I asked if he found what he was looking for. He said no. When I asked what it was exactly he was trying to find, he told me "a plastic container." I asked why he needed that and he replied, "I'm cold and need it to cover up with!" All I could say was wow....

As you can see, things have been pretty exciting at the Moreau house....never a dull moment around here with all these crazy happenings. And to think, I have to go back to work on Monday and take care of my patients. Please say a prayer that my socks are dry, I don't have milk all over me and my hair is somewhat least when I start the day! :)

Monday, March 19, 2012

A Quick Recap

I finally did it! I jumped on the "blogging bandwagon" in order for family and friends to keep up with our crazy life - more specifically Mitchell's life! So let's not waste any time...

On February 13, 2012, our family of 2 became a family of 3 when we welcomed Mitchell Douglas into this world. He was born at 12:31 pm and weighed a whopping 8 pounds,1 ounce and was 21.5 inches long. I know what you're thinking - "How did you and Chad have such a big baby?!" I can't explain his weight other than by saying it must run in the family (if you've met Lo and Trek, you know what I'm talking about!). As for the height, don't be fooled. Poor M was born with a severely cone shaped head and about an inch and a half of his height was because of that.

Mitchell aspirated during delivery and had to spend a few days in the NICU with an IV, feeding tube and oxygen. It was a terrifying experience and was not how I had pictured his first few days in this world. It's not something I like to talk about or even think about. He was so helpless, and I felt even more helpless. There was nothing any of us could do for him...except pray. And let me tell you, many prayers were going up for our little guy! I'd like to thank each of you for praying for Mitchell during his time in the NICU. We could all feel your prayers, and they were appreciated more than you'll ever know. On February 16, M was discharged from the hospital, and we headed home! It's been a bed of roses since then....okay, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but it really has been wonderful welcoming this wonderful creation of God into our family!