Sunday, April 1, 2012

Back to Work

Last Monday, M was six weeks old, and I headed back to work. Sunday night, I got everything ready for his first day with Nana Twana - I got his clothes out, fixed his bottles, set up everything for his morning bath, and loved on my sweet boy as though I was never going to see him again! I was fighting my own silent battle within, because I was excited to be going back to work. I wasn't in any way excited to leave my little man, but I still felt as though I shouldn't want to go back...I should want to stay home with M. While rocking Mitchell before putting him to bed for the night, I talked to him and God about my torn feelings. We sang, we prayed, and I realized that I shouldn't feel bad.

I've heard many mothers say how blessed they are to be able to stay home full time with their children. I've heard many others say they wished they were blessed enough to stay home. While cuddling with M last Sunday night, I realized just how blessed I am. Many people go through their entire life searching for their calling; praying to find their place in this world. I'm blessed in that I know my calling, and I've found my place at just 26 years old. I have no doubt that God called me to be a mother, but He called me to be a Physical Therapist too.

Chad and I didn't plan on having a child yet, but it's funny how God always seems to have different plans, and He ALWAYS works them out for the best. He blessed me with a first job that doesn't force me to put work above motherhood. I get to go to work early and get off early so I have most of the afternoon and all evening with Mitchell. I don't have to miss out on things simply because I'm a "working Mom." I've been blessed with a wonderful boss, who is also a friend, who has trust me from day one even though this was my first job out of school. Not many new therapists can say that.

I was recently asked why I wanted to work in long term care; why did I want to help "those people" instead of staying home with my son. At the time, I just blew the comment off and actually used my filter! Regardless of age, mental or mobility status or whether they plan on living at our facility or going back to their own home, everyone deserves good quality life. Every patient I treat deserves my very best, and I learn to love each of them in their own special way. There are those whom I have an impact on, those who impact my life...and then there are those few special ones where a mutual respect is developed, and I look forward to walking in the door every morning, knowing they will greet me with a smile and a good morning. Sure, the job is trying, and I don't always get the results I'm hoping for, but it's those star patients - that patient who couldn't walk or talk on day one of therapy but is now walking with my help down the hallway and asking me about my son - who make the job worthwhile. So why do I want to help "those people"? It's because they are no different than you and me. It's because they deserve a therapist that is going to treat them with respect. Because they deserve to live every day to the fullest. Because they often help me more than I help them. Point blank - it's because God called me to help them.

I now realize that I don't have to feel bad for enjoying my job and being a "working Mom".  I get to do what I love from sun up to sun down - I get to love on my patients, and I get to love on my son. I have the best of both worlds, and I thank God for that.

Coming home to this crazy-haired little boy, makes even the most trying days better. Mom and Dad love you Mitchell Douglas!