Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mitchell Douglas is 2 Months Old!!

Flash back to April 13 before reading this post!

I cannot believe that our little man is 2 months old already. Everyone says time flies when you're having fun, and let me tell you, that is absolutely true! Lots has happened in the past month, and Chad and I have enjoyed every single bit of it!

On March 30, we headed down to Magnolia for Mitchell's first trip to Nanny and Pappy's. It was Uncle J's 30th birthday, and we went down for his surprise party.  I was on top of things and got everything packed and loaded up on Thursday night. Between Kinsley and the twins and Lorelai and Trek, Nanny has absolutely everything a baby could need at her house, but that did not stop me from basically packing Mitchell's entire closet. I'm pretty sure I took everything but his crib....and most of it never made it out of the car!

The following weekend, M made his debut at church for Easter. We planned to head to the early service, so if we missed it, we had the late service to fall back on. We made it to church around 8:15, with 15 minutes to spare! Mitchell was so good and looked absouletly adorable! He stayed awake during the singing and then Bro. Brent put him right to sleep! :) He slept through church and the majority of Sunday school. Here's a picture of our sweet little man in his Easter gear!

M's 2 month shots were no fun. He was in a great mood and did so well with his check-up from his doctor, but as soon as the lady with the shots walked in the room, it was like he knew what was going on, and he lost it. It was that cry where his mouth was open and face beet red, but no noise was coming out.  We managed to get the oral vaccine down by continuously blowing in his face, forcing him to swallow...and then came the fun shots. His legs were going in all different directions, making it hard for her to stick him. He was crying, I was was traumatizing. We made it through though, and M headed home with Nana Twana, and I headed back to work. It broke my heart to leave him, but I knew he was in good hands. Nanny came up and spent the afternoon spoiling him!

Mitchell Douglas, at 2 months old you:

 - weigh 11 pounds, 4.5 ounces and are 23 inches long.
 - are now eating cereal before bed and LOVE it!
 - consistently sleep from 9:30 pm to 4:30 am. Sometimes you even stretch it out to 5! We are so blessed that you sleep through the night at only 2 months old!
 - have the biggest eyes. As Lo used to say, "You have BUG eyes!"
 - are very strong - and I'm not just saying that because I'm a physical therapist! You hold your head up very well and put weight through your legs nicely. And when you get mad, that back bows so much you are basically doing a back bend!
 -  are beginning to smile and recognize Mommy and Daddy.
 - are spoiled rotten! We wouldn't have it any other way though!

Our lives were forever changed when you entered our world 2 months ago. We are blessed beyond measure, and if the joy you have already brought to our lives is any indication of time to come, we are in for a fun ride!

We love you oodles and gobs, Mitchell Douglas!