Monday, March 26, 2012

Mitchell Douglas is One Month Old!

Since Mitchell is 6 weeks old today, we are going to have to backtrack a little for this post. Just pretend today is March 13, 2012!

It's hard to believe a month has already past - it has gone by so very fast! Our first month at home has been very scheduled, and I'm loving it! Feedings, laundry, baths, housework...everything has it's time, and everything always gets done!

Nanny stayed with us M's first week home from the hospital. That wasn't the original plan, but due to the scare he gave us in the NICU,  both Chad and I felt more comfortable having someone here with us. She took 2 weeks off work (one while he was in the NICU and then the week she stayed with us), and Chad and I are very grateful for that. She basically did everything for us that week and allowed us to rest and just get used to the fact that we now had a baby around. After Nanny left, it was all up to us, and I think we've done a pretty good job thus far! :) Other than a doctor visit, a couple trips to the drive-through at McDonald's and a few walks around the neighborhood, we haven't left the house. We are being extremely cautious since it's the middle of flu/RSV season. The last thing M needs is more respiratory problems. We've had lots of visitors who are basically greeted at the door with a bottle of hand sanitizer! Sorry if this has offended anyone...actually, I take that back. I'm not sorry. It's our job to protect our little guy. I'm sure we will be a little less cautious as time passes, but for now, we will continue to handle him with extreme care!

Enough with the small talk! Let's get down to the meat of this post!

Mitchell Douglas, at 1 month old, you:

  • have made a full recovery! PRAISE JESUS!!!!
  • weigh 10.0 pounds. Big boy!
  • eat about 3 and half ounces every 4 hours. You'd eat more if Mommy would let you!
  • still have a head full of hair, but it is no longer dark - it gets redder and redder each day.
  • have a perfect shaped head - the cone is gone!
  • look more and more like your dad every day. Good thing he's cute!
  • have been sleeping in your room in your crib since you were 2 weeks old. Your first week you stayed in your bouncer in Nanny's room so she could keep a close eye on your breathing.
  • are an excellent sleeper. You have slept through the night once, but generally wake up once to eat.
  • are beginning to love your that Mom has figured out what the temp of the water should be. Sorry your first few baths were so cold!
  • burp and toot like a grown man - this "talent" comes from your dad and Uncle J!
  • enjoy doing your exercises every night with Mommy and are getting stronger each day! (Once a physical therapist...always a physical therapist!)
  • are a very content and happy baby!

Everyday, something about him changes. It's so fun to see all these changes, but it's sad to think about how many changes have occurred in just 1 month. I've got to live in the moment and learn to treasure each day. M's first week in this world was not what I expected, but since leaving the NICU, things have been on the up and up! I thank God everyday for placing His healing hands on Mitchell a few weeks ago and blessing our family with such a perfect little boy! We love you oodles and gobs, Mitchell Douglas!

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