Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wet Socks, Spilled Milk, and Missing "Bundles"

You ever have days where you are constantly asking yourself, "Why did I just do that?". I've been having those days for about 6 weeks now! Some days are better than others, but I must admit I've done some pretty silly things since M entered our lives almost 6 weeks ago. I'd like to blame it all on him, but I'm not really sure that's the case. Besides, how can you look at this sweet face and blame anything on him?!

It's no fun to simply laugh at myself (and Chad), so let me share with you some of the lessons I've learned since entering "mommy-world"!

  1. Wearing your socks in the shower is not a smart idea. It does not save time and really just makes a big mess.
  2. If you don't put all the pieces in the bottle, you end up with 4 ounces of milk all of you, baby and couch when trying to feed baby.
  3. Trying to sit a 22 pound baby (Trek) on top of an already top-heavy travel system is a disaster in the making. People will stare intently but will offer no support as the stroller begins to flip. Don't worry, disaster was averted thanks to the quick reflexes of Amanda!
  4. Washing your hair with body wash makes for a greasy mess the next morning.
  5. Talking into the receiving end of the baby monitor does NOT work.

We have become very schedule-oriented since M has been home. I have an extremely Type-A personality, so this does not bother me, but Chad is still trying to get the hang of things. In an attempt to become accustomed to this new schedule, his sleep pattern has become say the least. Most of the funny things he does or says happen in the middle of the night. Here are just a couple of the conversations we've had recently.

I wake up and Chad is frantically pulling the covers off the bed. This is the conversation that followed:

Me: Chad, what are you doing?!?
Chad: I'm looking. I'm looking.
Me: Looking for what? It's 2 in the morning.
Chad: I was holding a bundle, and I can't find it.
Me: What kind of bundle?
Chad: A bundle of.....Mitchell!

**Sidenote: M has NEVER slept in our bed with us. He was safe and sound in the nursery in his crib!**

This morning, I was in the kitchen fixing M's bottle. Again, it was around 2 am. As I'm walking back to our bedroom, Chad is in the living room. Guess what he was doing? That's right, searching for something! I asked him if he had lost his "bundle" again. He said no. I just left him in the living room and headed to the bathroom before climbing back in bed. When I walked out of the bathroom, he was in bed already, and I asked if he found what he was looking for. He said no. When I asked what it was exactly he was trying to find, he told me "a plastic container." I asked why he needed that and he replied, "I'm cold and need it to cover up with!" All I could say was wow....

As you can see, things have been pretty exciting at the Moreau house....never a dull moment around here with all these crazy happenings. And to think, I have to go back to work on Monday and take care of my patients. Please say a prayer that my socks are dry, I don't have milk all over me and my hair is somewhat least when I start the day! :)

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this and catching up with you! I am so glad I got to meet Mitchell and love that you have joined the blog world!
